Frequency: Consistently
Severity: Medium (File system reads should not be crashing the simulator)
Context: Navigraph MSFS Navigation Data Interface. WASM readdir problems as mentioned in this post.
Bug description: Basically, whenever certain files are put in a directory (namely our DFDv2 spec sqlite3 database files), the sim will either freeze, or return nothing as the filename for the database file. This is, however, fixed when you have a minimum of 3 files in the directory. Link to copying code
Repro steps: Try the 3 file tester, then the 2 file tester, and compare the results in the console (this should be just after loading in). As well as pay attention to the work/NavigationData folder, and how it improperly loops.
(The database should be included in the zip but can also be found here)
Resulting Copy File:
File it was copying from:
Link to both the sample aircraft in 1 zip: