I’ve been working on Blexen (EDWT). I seem to get two different sets of Bing aerial images, possibly based on the setting of “texture resolution” (high vs. ultra – for totally unrelated reasons, I’ve been switching back and forth recently).
Is that working as intended?
How should I handle this situation? Shadows and objects that need to be covered are in different locations, grass colors are different (turning carefully color-tuned apron patches into eyesores), the two sets of images are even slightly offset (maybe by about 1m).
IF the texture resolution is indeed the reason for the different aerials:
• IF I’m supposed to commit to a texture resolution, do I pick high, because that’s what a majority of users are using?
• And which texture resolution are the mods using when they check submissions?
Please advise!
edit: I tried switching the texture resolution, and didn’t get “the other” aerial. I don’t know why the sim presents me with two different sets of aerials, but I’m positive it does.
Note the grass patch north, I disabled “Draw surface” for the screenshot. I added this grass apron to hide an aircraft on the “other” set of aerials.
The other aerial seems more up to date, it has an additional large hangar (where the large cement apron appears to cover grass on my screenshot).
I also circled two shadows, one that isn’t present in the other aerial (or I would have hidden it), the other one is missing on this aerial (the shadow thrown by the large hangar).
I don’t know how to make the newer aerial appear, I’ll keep trying different settings.
It’s not a matter of draw distance.
This screenshot from Bing is much closer to the aerial the sim showed me yesterday. It has the additional hangar and that heap of dug up ground that I tried to hide with a grass patch.
But it’s NOT identical. The shadows are different, the mysterious aerial in the sim was taken later in the day so the hangar shadow points north-east instead of north-west. And there were fewer planes on the in-sim aerial.
Just to avoid red herrings: while I’m working with scenery, my Community folder is empty. I don’t use a tool to replace map tiles with tiles from a different map provider or something like that. I have all World Updates installed (shouldn’t matter, right?).
I wasn’t aware of that bug report, but, yes, what’s described there is exactly what I’m experiencing.
I guess that means I can stop looking for ways to “get the other images”, as it sounds like a server-side issue.
Thanks for the clarification! I’ll do another pass on the Blexen scenery for the “old” aerial.
In case this might help learning something about this mysterious bug: I edited the EDWT scenery today based on the older, “canon” aerial, then I submitted it to the World Hub around 12:40-13:00 CET.
Moderator Scrubblets approved it and fixed what they considered minor issues.
They basically undid some of my changes which were based on the older aerial (like re-adding an apron for the large hangar which is only visible on the newer aerial, hiding the dirt mount, and adding an apron on a road which is – to me, looking at the older aerial – offset by 1-2m), which means they’re almost certainly seeing the newer aerial (or they did between 13:00 and 13:30 CET).
I restarted the sim (after disabling and deleting the rolling cache), still getting the older, “canon” aerial. (It’s as if a development server accessing a newer iteration of the world data made it by mistake into a pool of production servers.)
I’m running into the same issue as well. I was able to get the newer imagery once, but haven’t been able to get it back since. This was all tested within a two hour time-span, so it’s not a daily occurrence. I believe the issue ties to the data that the sim ingests each time it’s loaded up.
For example I originally started with this imagery
Then after the next restart, it completely reverted back to the old imagery. I’ve tried clearing my cache, changing graphics settings, turning data on/off…and nothing.