Z Scale "Offset" Not Functioning Properly


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Bug description:
The Z Scale value of the Init node does not seem to be functioning as expected in 2024. The SDK states the following:

When the result is 1 there is no offset, when the result is below 1 the particle is “pushed away” from the camera, and when it’s greater than 1 it is pulled “towards” the camera.

However, this is my node structure as imported from 2020:

As you can see, I am using random values for the X and Y inputs, but the Z input is set to 1. The result in 2020 is that the fire is centered to the emitter with no offset, however in 2024, this seems to be shifted by default as the particles are offset towards the camera.

When I change the Z value in the Vector3 to 0, it results in the particles being positioned as expected, although by what the SDK states (And how 2020 functions), these particles should now be rendered behind the model.

Also, when experimenting I found that if I unplug the Vector3 from the Init node completely and just use 3 input fields for the scale, only the first input field has any effect over the particles. Even Z does not change the offset of the particles (no matter the value) as it does when controlled through the Vector 3. However, I do notice that the fire still gets shifted towards the camera, though it’s about half way in-between that of having the Vector3 Z value at either 1 or 0. Shifted just slightly forward.

Edit: Although, now that I look at it - maybe this actually looks more realistic?

Note: The effect of this issue is same whether scale is defined in the Init or in the Update node. What I have detailed above can be done interchangeably between either node with the same outcome.

Hello @Rotornut44

This is likely the same issue that was reported here:
MSFS 2020 airplanes - VFX smoke effects not working - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / VFX - MSFS DevSupport

This is being tracked already.


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