Can we expect a release build close to the 19th?

Can we expect a release build or one very close to it before 19th? Would help with beta testing so that we could release products on day 1. Without having to wait for release to test products on that build.

Adding to this,

The welcome email for the Dev Alpha includes a “second stage” stating we will have access to our Markeplace streamed content

Is this happening sooner or later?

How are we supposed to signoff packages for 2024 Markeplace beforehand if we can not have access to a stable beta release?

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very unlikely rtm release before official date.

A stable build doesn’t exist and won’t on 19th either…


So are we supposed to sign off blindly?

Because all our customers were promised that they will be able to enjoy nearly all their Markeplace paid add-ons from 2020 in the new game

So either they will find an empty Markeplace, or we will have to declare that our addon are working in the new game without proper test …

There are still bugs for legacy 2020 packages that have not been resolved or looked at. Is there an announcement planed from Asobo/Microsoft for the users who purchased our content in 2020 and would see the addons with bugs on release? Otherwise we might be flooded with messages from users reporting these.

Here are a couple of examples:

These are 2024 packages bugs we have reported and have not heard from asobo:

We understand the priority is to release the legacy 2020 packages first but a couple fixes to the 2024 tools like the blender exporter would help us get a bit ahead in our work.

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The market place will indeed be barren. My Products aren’t going anywhere in their current state. If we don’t get a new build fixing all these issues before release, FS24 will be a very mucky launch.

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Stable version ?? Even 2020 keep changing after rtm release nearly each single update.

@SLH @mamuDesign

In last weeks dev stream it was mentioned there will be only a few new products for MSFS 2024. Probably from 1st party partners. MS/Asobo goal is to get the 2020 content to be compatible with 2024 before they can accept new content.

But as I mentioned in my reply above, there are outstanding bugs for the 2020 packages that have not been looked at yet and our believe our costumers will start reporting all these and more directly to us, since it was said most addons will be compatible on launch day.

There will be no Marketplace when the game releases on November 19th, that much is clear. What is not clear is what are the actual plans for launch. Would be nice to know that information…

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@vpilotfs I know that “New” products. But i’m not even too concerned about the market place right now. I just wanna get my Brand new projects out on the different market places.

In terms of the marketplace and my existing projects, I don’t intend to release any in their current state to the market place. Nothing is getting signed off. I will open them all in the FS24 sdk and get it to look how i want it to in FS24 meaning it will be FS24 Native, and I feel like many Developers or using this approach. So I feel like more effort should have gone into helping us update them effectively. This One month rushed alpha was just chaos, now we’re 10days away with still broken projects that aren’t working properly or at all in some cases. We’re trying to fix them with broken, buggy tools, and a crashing sim.

So the Market Place will be empty for a while, then when they’re ready to take “new products” which will mostly just be our old products we’ve redone to make them native to FS24, we’ll having hundreds or thousands of them in backlog.

The ideal situation would have been for this alpha to start at least 3 months earlier, so we can have time to redo our products for FS24 natively, and have them mostly ready for Publishing Day 1 as the sim releases. So on release day simmers could log in and see most if not all of our Native FS24 versions of our products.

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From my understanding, users who purchased our products in the 2020 marketplace, will have those available in the 2024 “library” on launch day, regardless if we sign them off for sale in the 2024 marketplace or not.

Then we if choose, we can sign them off for sale in 2024 marketplace as they are (they will have a 2020 overlay in the thumbnail) or we can make upgraded versions using the 2024 SDK and publish them for free or for an upgrade fee (they will have a 2024 overlay). But those who choose not to buy an upgrade, they can stay with the 2020 version of the addon purchased in the 2020 marketplace.

Our plan is to also open most of our products in 2024 and adjust accordingly, so these are more 2024 native.

Well somebody can correct me if i’m wrong. But i think they will indeed show up in their library/content manager, but they won’t be able to use it unless we sign it off for FS24 use.

Isn’t sign off for it to appear in the Marketplace? Just like MS instituted developer testing this requirement would be an extension of that. If a package is in the Community directory, I don’t imagine FS will have any issue with ingesting it at startup.

Mabel said at 45:05

“…2020 content owners will automatically own the ported version in 2024, it will be available in my library with no developer sign off required”


Oh ok, that’s a Good and bad thing though. I hate how some of my ported products look in FS24. And since it’s my product and I submitted it to Microsoft with the intent of it being for FS20 only, because FS24 obviously didn’t exist, I expected to have control over who has access to it in the new sim.
I kinda feel like they took my products and ported it for their new sim, so they can have one less reason for customers not to buy FS24.

I would have loved to leave my FS20 Marketplace products in FS20 and Make native ones for FS24

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I get what you mean. But I believe this was the best approach. If Microsoft had not stated most 2020 products were going to be compatible with 2024 right after the sim was announced last year, the market would have crashed then.

Now we still have the option to not sell the 2020 products in 2024 and create native upgrades and/or new products made exclusively for 2024. But that will be post launch.

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That’s true as well. Everyone one would have held off. …Anyways! Asobo? New Build please? :joy: My sim is crashing every few minutes when a project is open. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I wouldn’t believe anything said on streams.
It was mentioned several times that sign-off will be required. Even if not - I will insist to exclude our products from FS2024 as they are still broken.

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I’m not a lawyer,
But the Markeplace agreement has some recitals (2.1) that reference everything to Microsoft Flight Simulator (aka 2020)

The following “Microsoft Flight Simulator franchise products” should (imho) define the versions (standard/deluxe/premium deluxe/goat edition)
And shouldn’t refer to other Games (and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is a new Game)

So because of that, the signoff was really expected

Furthermore, there are some steps that are still missing in the process

Further in the stream Mabel hereby states that they will port the 2020 products, period.
Only if they crash the game they can be removed from the porting, “cosmetic” or missing features seems not a valid reason to not port

I think we are all professional and this is really not how we want to run business,

we want to ensure our customers to have the best experience :blush: